Yeshayahu/Isaiah 1
Shalom family, Favour and peace be
increased to you in the knowledge of Elohim and of יהושע our Master,
as His Mighty-like power has given to us all we need for life and reverence,
through the knowledge of Him who called us to esteem and uprightness. (Kepha Bět/2 Peter
We have been called to esteem and uprightness, that is to
walk in His ways, and we have been given all we need to do this through
knowledge of Him, given to us through His Torah and Prophets and Writings, and
as we have been discovering the wonder of how His Tabernacle is made up
according to His perfect instructions, through the Torah portions that we are
busy with at present, it becomes so much more clear for us that we can only be
building His way or else it is sadly in vain. Our total dependency is upon Him
and His sure Word, without which we have no life and Dawiḏ understood just how
much He could do nothing on his own and realised that our salvation and
redemption and deliverance is in יהוה alone.
51:1-7 “Show me favour, O Elohim, According to Your
kindness; According to the greatness of Your compassion, Blot out my
transgressions. 2 Wash
me completely from my guilt, and cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I know my transgressions, and
my sin is ever before me. 4 Against
You, You alone, have I sinned, And done evil in Your eyes; That You might be proven
right in Your words; Be clear when You judge. 5 See,
I was brought forth in crookedness, and in sin my mother conceived me. 6 See, You have desired truth in the
inward parts, and in the hidden part You make me know wisdom. 7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I am
clean; Wash me, and I am whiter than snow.”
These were the words of a man who understood that He needed
cleansing from the stain of sin that he alone could not remove; but knew that יהוה, according to His great kindness and
loving compassion could. Only יהוה can
remove the stain of blood guilt that has been shed because of the evil done
before Him. And Dawiḏ understood that walking outside of the Torah is sin, as
the Torah is to be upon our hearts and in our mouths in order to do it. Sadly
in a time where so many are wilfully choosing to neglect the need to walk in
the Torah, we see so many who are attempting to bring before יהוה a mixed form of worship that simply
does not carry the exact picture of the Tabernacle, which we are going through
at the moment in Shemoth, and how the Tabernacle is key in understanding how we
are to follow the clear and concise plans as given us through His Torah –
without which we cannot see Elohim. What is also sad to see today is the lack
of willingness of many to actually come and sit and reason out the Scriptures
as they would rather hold fast to traditions and dogmas of man while in their
stubbornness are walking outside of the Torah and will have no part in the
Covenant unless they turn and walk in His ways. When we see the dealings of יהוה with Yisra’ĕl and Yehuḏah in
Scripture we can certainly see how the very same words are as applicable to us
who are grafted in to Yisra’ĕl – a scattered nation being brought back and how
we are to learn from the warnings and instructions given to His called out
Bride who had sadly strayed. Tonight in a message called, “COME NOW AND LET US REASON TOGETHER!” I would like to take you
through Yeshayahu/Isaiah chapter 1, vision
which Yeshayahu saw concerning Yehuḏah and Yerushalayim before they were about
to be exiled because of her rebellion. (Read)
Yeshayahu is such a powerful book that is so relevant to us all
today – It clearly pictures for us the need to embrace the Saving Favour of יהוה, and his name defines this for us –
Yeshayahu יְשַׁעְיָהוּ – which means ‘salvation
of Yah/ Yahweh saves’. We will do well to heed the prophetic
words of Yeshayahu/Isaiah, as the call to live set-apart lives and walk in the
light of יהושע is being
proclaimed louder and louder – the question remains – who will hear and who is
dull of hearing? This chapter speaks of the urgency and need to hear the Word
of יהוה, and walk
in the Torah (His instructions for righteous living).
This vision and call is not only to Yehuḏah, but to His entire
Bride and carries much power and significance today as Ephrayim (lost 10
tribes) hears this call and returns and so I would like to run through some key
elements that we see in these verses and we will also take a look at a few
Hebrew words in gaining a better understanding of this text and how alive it is
for us today!
At this point Yisra’ĕl (northern 10 tribes) had already been
scattered, yet to return, and Yehuḏah had committed whoring just as her sister
Yisra’ĕl had, and in many ways they were in fact worse and here comes the call
to listen up from יהוה.
In Verse 2 we see the terms “Hear, oh
heavens, and listen, o earth” – this would have sounded very
familiar to them. This was an alluding to and referring back to the song that
Mosheh taught the descendants of Yisra’ĕl before he died and instructed that
this song be passed down through the generations, and so the very things that
Mosheh warned about were coming to pass, and was a very vivid and sobering
reminder of where they were headed!
32:1 “Give ear, O heavens, and let me speak; and hear,
O earth, the words of my mouth.”
The two words that stand out here in these verses are:
1 – Hear – in
Hebrew is the root word שָׁמַע
– Strong’s H8085, which carries the
meaning not just simply to hear, but rather to hear with attention and
comprehend and discern and give heed to what is being spoken. Certainly we see
that this kind of hearing called for is not very apparent among the masses
today who are simply having ears tickled and not listening attentively because
they forget what they hear and are doing that which Ya’aqoḇ/James warns against
– do not be like a man who looks in the mirror and forgets what he sees!
2 – Listen/ Give ear – In Hebrew
is the root word אָזַן
– H238, and while this also carries the
meaning to listen and listen attentively, it literally means to ‘cup the ear’ –
in other words give your complete attention and be obedient to take it all in.
The terms used here in regards to heaven
and earth were once again a reminder of the Covenant and the two witnesses of
heaven and earth as life and death were set before them, for which He
encourages His Covenanted called out ones to choose life!!! This was a reality
check to the nation once again that יהוה’s
Covenant is still in effect and always is; and He never operates outside of His
Covenant; and rebellion to that Covenant will result in death, obedience to it
– life of which heaven and earth are faithful witnesses to! יהוה had rose up a nation and taught them
His ways and as stubborn rebellious children they have sinned against the
Marriage Covenant
Verse 3 – יהוה further highlights the depravity of
their rebellion by saying that even an ox knows its owner and a donkey would
know and recognise his master’s feeding trough – that is where to get the right
food and Yisra’ĕl are reduced to less than animals by their lack of knowledge
and obedience!
1 - The word here for ‘knows’ in Hebrew is יָדַע ‘yada’ –
Strong’s H3045 and means ‘to acknowledge, clearly understand, to
perceive, distinguish and discern’ and implies the ability to
respond to and recognise the Master’s voice.
Yoḥanan/John 10:27 “My sheep hear My
voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
So many claim to hear His voice today, yet He does not know them
and they do not follow Him and know where the feeding trough of His Word is:
7: 21-23 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Master,
Master,’ shall enter into the reign of the heavens, but he who is doing the
desire of My Father in the heavens. 22
“Many shall say to Me in that day, ‘Master, Master, have we not prophesied in
Your Name, and cast out demons in Your Name, and done many mighty works in Your
Name?’ 23 “And then I shall declare to them, ‘I never knew you, depart from
Me, you who work lawlessness!”
יהושע then
proceeded to tell the parable of the one who ‘hears’ His Words and does them
will be a wise man who builds on the rock!!!
Yehuḏah were not ‘hearing’ and acknowledging their master’s voice
and were feeding on pagan traditions rather than the truth – a clear mirror
image of what we see happening today by many and more specifically by the
church who operate not on the Rock of Truth but rather on the twisted
application of man-made and man-driven dogmas rooted in pagan worship – these are
those that do not know Him and He will declare He never knew them!
We are to pursue to know His word, seeking it out and discern and
rightly handle the truth:
Hoshěa/Hosea 6:3 “So let us know, let us
pursue to know יהוה. His going forth is as certain as the
morning. And He comes to us like the rain, like the latter rain watering the
2 – The word here in verse 3 for ‘understands’ is the Hebrew word בִּין ‘bin’ – Strong’s H995 and means ‘to understand, perceive, consider with full attention and
have knowledge and respond appropriately’.
8:7 “Even a stork in the heavens knows her appointed
times. And a turtledove, and a swallow, and a thrush observe the time of their
coming. But My people do not know the right-ruling of יהוה.”
Animals know their master’s voice and their appointed times while
Yehuḏah did not – this was not due to ignorance but rather due to wilful
failure to respond to that which they have been given. So many today want to
claim ignorance and to a certain degree we were all ignorant, yet His word is
not far off – we have His Word and we have no right to claim ignorance today
but are to respond appropriately to His Torah!
17:30 “Truly, then, having overlooked these times of
ignorance, Elohim now commands all men everywhere to repent.”
Verse 4 – a sinning nation – in other words –
a lawless nation – acting corruptly and was a nation that was not walking in
the Torah they were required to as they had:
1 – Forsaken יהוה – that is
they had left the path of righteousness and the need to walk in the Torah and
as a result:
2 – Provoked יהוה – that is
they had blasphemed and despised His Torah, and as a result of despising the
Truth they:
3 – Went backwards – turned back to wicked ways from which they
were delivered.
This is the pattern of anyone who in any way forsakes the Torah or
compromises in the slightest – you will end despising His Word and will
backslide very quickly. This is the downward path of the lawless that corrupt
His very word for self-gain!
Verse 5 – יהוה appeals to them here by saying ‘Why
should you continue to be beaten down’ – there is not a part of the body that
has not been beaten – why do you keep disobeying!!! You continue in apostasy!
Apostasy means ‘a renunciation of one’s belief and an
abandonment to loyalty’ – and this is exactly what Yehuḏah had
done we get our English word from the Greek word ἀποστασία ‘apostasia’ – Strong’s G646 and is translated as a ‘falling away’ in reference to how many will
abandon their faith and belief in the Truth before the man of lawlessness is
Bět/2 Thessalonians 2:3 “Let no one deceive you in any way, because the falling away is to come
first, and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed, the son of destruction,”
In Hebrew however the word used here
for apostasy carries a wonderful picture for us showing the direct contrast
between who Yisra’ĕl was called to be and what they had become as we see in the
Hebrew a wonderful play on words: The word used for apostasy in verse 5 is
the Hebrew word סָרָה ‘sarah’ –
Strong’s H5627 and sounds exactly the same as the name
of Aḇraham’s wife: שָׂרָה
– Strong’s H8283 ,yet does not carry
the same meaning! ‘Sarah’ used for apostasy is spelt with a סָ ‘samek’, רָ ‘resh’ and ה ‘hey’; while
‘Sarah’, Aḇraham’s wife, is spelt with a שָׂ
‘Sin’, רָ ‘resh’ and ה
‘hey’ and carries the opposite picture to an apostate Bride, as her name means ‘princess or
noble woman’ and as we know she is used in Scripture as a
picture of the obedient wife, and the play on words here as they were to look
into the mirror of His Word would show them how they are not what they ought to
be but were rather the opposite and had become a disobedient and rebellious
wife that was sick from head to toe – not the picture of a princess or noble
woman and Bride of יהוה. Yehuḏah
looked like the adulterous whore and not a faithful Bride – and while so many
today claims to be the bride – through the mirror of the Word of Truth will be
found out to be nothing more than an adulterous and dressed up whore!!!
יהוה has a remnant – all through Scripture we see that there is always
a remnant – a faithful few! When we hear the words of many who have been led
astray say ‘but they all can’t be wrong’
may we realise that ‘oh yes they can!’
and in fact the likelihood is that they are indeed very wrong! If it were not
for the remnant – we would have been made like Seḏom and Amorah and the call
has gone out before destruction does come upon the world! It is always a
remnant few who obeys and are preserved – It was only Noaḥ and 7 others in the
ark, with Seḏom and Amorah only Lot and his wife and two daughters who
escaped, while his wife did not make it very far; it was only Yehoshua and Kalěḇ
who were left from the generation of adults that came out of Mitsrayim and were able to enter the Promised land –
there is always a remnant!
Verse 10 – we see
the repeat of the words hear and listen/give ear – this time to the
rulers and people of Seḏom and Amorah – a play on words again to an apostate
people who had backslidden and were like the pagan nations – and the call is to
‘come out’ by hearing and listening to His Torah! Give ear to the Torah of
Elohim! This is still the call today to a people who are so intermingled with
lawlessness and are living corrupt and compromised lives without listening to
and paying attention to the Torah, while their attempts at worship are in vain
as יהוה will not
accept or hear our worship and prayer if it is not done His way! Here Yehuḏah
were bringing slaughterings and offerings as the temple service was seemingly
still going on while יהוה in
essence says to them, “Why are you even coming with your offerings,
since you also have idols in your homes and all you are doing is bringing mud
into My House and your feet/walk is muddied with falsehood!” STOP
PAGANISM!!! He is unable to bear unrighteousness and assembly. Yehuḏah was
wicked while pretending to be righteous and to not walk in His Torah yet claim
to be righteous is the great error they made back then and the error that so
many make today!
The false teaching that has set-aside
Torah observance is nothing more than a sick trampling of mud over His Torah
with the appearance of assembling in righteousness while profaning His Word and
His commands and His appointed Times, which He will not tolerate.
In verse 14
– we see clearly the use of the term ‘your
New Moons and appointed times’ being used. יהוה says that they are trouble to Him and is weary of bearing them!!!
Does this contradict the Torah and the commands to keep יהוה’s Feasts? As much as many try to
twist this verse into teaching that keeping His Feasts is no longer necessary,
we must note the key term in this verse spoken by יהוה is ‘YOUR’ - The way Yehuḏah were carrying out His feasts showed that they had
turned them into a creation of their own hands by doing it their own way and as
it suited them and in the process they mixed in pagan worship practices with it
– and this form of worship was no longer as יהוה had prescribed but had become their
own, which He no longer saw as worship unto Him. Today it has even become worse, as the church not only worships their
own way, but has at its root pagan influences and traditions that have even
changed the appointed times to fit in with pagan sun-worship traditions - and יהוה hates – and I repeat – hates these man-made traditional feasts.
He also hates that which rabbinic tradition presents as a form of worship that
sets aside the purity of Torah by the addition of oral laws and commands that יהוה has not commanded or instructed!
Adding or taking away from His instructions is forbidden and we
must carefully hear and give ear to this and not fall into the trap of false
worship that has been shaped by the hands of man – for when we do that we
render His Feasts no longer His but make it our own and these He hates!!!
Verse 16 – clear instruction to stop all the
evil and get cleaned up – if only people would open their ears and hear this
today!!! But just how do we get clean? יהוה has just
highlighted the terrible picture of their lawlessness and then in Verse 17 He
makes it clear -:
1 – Learn to do good; 2
– Seek Right-Ruling; 3 – Reprove the oppressor; 4 – Defend the fatherless; 5 – plead for the widow. In other words
seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness and be a voice for those that are unable
to speak for themselves! Learning to discern and do good requires a returning
to the Torah which teaches us to distinguish between the clean and the unclean,
the set-apart and the profane!
Here we come to verse 18, a verse
that is taking often out of context and misunderstood as is used as a
stand-alone verse without that which follows! Come and let us reason together – Though your sins are like scarlet
– they will be white as snow.
The Hebrew word used here for ‘let
us reason together’ is וְנִוָּכְחָה ‘venivakechah’ and
comes from the root word יָכַח
– Strong’s H3198 which means ‘to decide,
prove, judge or correct’ and in effect what יהוה is saying here to a sinful nation, “Come let Me prove to you… that you will be
cleaned up… if you …”
Here He is using court like language that has been addressing the
guilty to seek judgement and right-ruling, as is submitting His case here as if
on trial and proceeds to show them on what principles they may be pardoned! So
many love this verse on its own but do not proceed to the next and do not
understand the seriousness of stain of sin and lawlessness! The word for
‘scarlet’ is שָׁנִי
– Strong’s H8144 and is a bright red
colour and vivid dye that is obtained from the crushed body of an insect (worm) that attaches itself to the leaves
and twigs of the oak/terebinth tree, lays eggs on it, puts a sack of red juice
around the eggs to protect them, then dies, having emptied itself out for
them--a wonderful picture of יהושע. Scarlet speaks of sacrifice and typifies Messiah
in His sufferings and His giving of Himself to be crushed for our iniquities.
But what is also important to note is that it is impossible to get the stain of
this scarlet out of linen – impossible for man that is – no amount of scrubbing
and washing or bleaching can actually take this red worm substance dye out of
clothing and materials! So as we read Tehillim 51 at the beginning we see that
Dawiḏ understood this and here יהוה was
telling Yehuḏah that they were so stained, yet they will be made white – what a
wonderful promise. Looking back at verse 15 we see that they were so stained as
their hands were full of blood – their worship had become unacceptable because
of their bloodguiltiness on their hands – their works were not pure – the
command to be cleansed and cease from evil comes with this invitation to be
made clean as he proved to them their bloodguilt, and as impossible as it may
be to get the stain of blood out – יהוה would
make their garments pure and shining white through His own Blood!!!
7:14 “And I said to him, “Master, you know.” And he
said to me, “These are those coming out of the great distress, having washed
their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”
Our sin is guilty of His bloodshed – the works of our hands are
stained with the blood guilt of His sacrifice – and He through His Blood
removes the stain from us. What is interesting to note is that this word, שָׁנִי ‘shani’, is used 42 times in the Scriptures – a very significant number for us
indeed! As you will remember that there were 42 stops in the Wilderness journey
from leaving Mitsrayim to entering in to the Promised Land and so we see that
His Blood they was poured out at Pěsaḥ as the Lamb that was slain has our ‘wilderness
journey’ covered that we may be made white and ready to enter in to His
Promises as a Bride prepared! And it is in this wilderness journey where we
learn to hear His voice with great care and attention!
What is often forgotten when given this verse by is what follows –
He will makes us white as snow - but what are we, who have been proven guilty,
to do?
Verse 19-20 makes it clear – eat or be eaten!
“If you submit
and obey, you shall eat
the good of the land; 20 but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword,
for the mouth of יהוה
has spoken.”
Hebrew word used for ‘eat’ and ‘devoured’ is the same word - אָכַל aḵal –
H398 and means ‘eat, consume, devour or be devoured’. So in essence what is being declared here is
simply this: if you submit and obey you will eat and enjoy the good of the land
– if you rebel and refuse to submit and obey you will be eaten by the sword –
that is His Word that will consume you up and devour you in judgement according
to His righteous right ruling! We have a choice – eat His Word and walk in Him
and be satisfied or eat all the junk that is on offer and neglect His Word and
be eaten by the very Word that is rejected. It is not a difficult concept to
grasp – the question remains – how is your diet, and more importantly – what is
filling you? Eat right and live or live wrong and be eaten:
19:15 “And out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that
with it He should smite the nations. And He shall shepherd them with a rod of
iron. And He treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Ěl Shaddai.”
19:21 “And the rest were killed with the sword which
came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled
with their flesh.”
Verse 21-25 makes the picture very clear – Yehuḏah
had become a nation of whoring and murder and their silver had become dross and
wine was mixed with water and as a result rulers were corrupt and the
fatherless and widows were neglected having nobody to speak for them and יהוה makes it clear that He will bring
about a refining and remove the dross and all alloy:
In light of what we have been going through in our weekly torah
portions on the tabernacle and its furnishings we came to understand the
symbolic picture of silver – it speaks of redemption as well as the purity of
His Word refined 7 times, and what is interesting to know is that pure silver
does not tarnish! Silver that you see today is mixed with another metal to form
an alloy and may consist of up to 92.5% silver with the rest being made up of
another metal to bring durability and hardness into the product, which causes
the silver to tarnish and needs to be maintained through regular cleaning and
polishing. Well that is exactly what has happened with the Word that is being
presented by the church as well as in rabbinic Judaism - it has been made into an alloy through the
addition of foreign substances such as man-made dogmas, doctrines and
traditions and is no longer pure – and as a result that which is being
erroneously presented as truth needs to be continuously maintained and kept
shining in its appearance of worship through programmes and systems and
structures that are in no way close to reflecting the service of the Tabernacle
and יהוה says he
is going to remove all alloys!!! His message has been made dirty and the false
‘grace’ message has made it ‘cheap’; and so we also see the mixed wine with
water is a picture too of watering down the Word and with both of these
analogies together we see that what has happened is that His redemption message
has been tarnished and His Pěsaḥ/Passover has been watered down and so the
Church has presented a falsified system of worship that has taken up the form
of pagan rituals – and it is time for all to hear and listen and carefully
consider as יהוה clearly
proves through His refining Word that they are indeed worshipping in a foreign
Verse 26 – States that he will give back the
judges and counsellors – He is restoring the Authority of His Word and His
Kingdom to a people of His Kingdom and so shall His obedient Bride be ransomed
and return – through His right-ruling and righteousness and those who forsake יהוה and His commands shall be consumed!
In verse 29-30 it is clear that the guilty
will be ashamed of their pagan worship. The mentions of terebinth trees and
gardens that they had chosen is a picture of that which they chose to engage
themselves in through the following of pagan practices on the high places and
under the terebinth trees that were often symbolic of fertility rites and
It was under a terebinth tree where יהוה met with Aḇraham and it was also under the terebinth tree where
Ya’aqoḇ buried the idols, and that which their forefathers had shown them was
quickly forgotten as they strayed from the Covenant and dug up idol worship and
as a result their leaves where they thought they would find shade under would
fade and they would be exposed to the heat of the displeasure of יהוה, yet those who mediate day and night
on His Torah will be like a tree planted
by the waters and their leaf will not fade when the heat comes!!!
The heart of this message is simple – Let us walk right and keep
His commands – as the stain of our sin is before Him and He is proven right in
His words – let us cleanse ourselves from all unrighteousness and allow His
Word to cleanse us and make us white as snow and then may we be attentive with
our ears to hear, guard and do all He commands us to as we walk in
righteousness, keeping our linen white – for fine linen is the righteousnesses
of the set-apart ones!
As we, His Bride, make ourselves ready with His garments of
righteousness through hearing attentively, and being fully focused on Him may
we be likened to the noble woman rather than the apostate whore.
Come now –
and let us reason together – declares יהוה – are you hearing His voice – are you paying attention – are you
obedient to His Word – are you submitting and obeying? If so then keep on and
shine His light and you shall eat the good of the land, but if not then hear
this clear warning to get rid of the dross and alloy worship or you will be
eaten by the Word. He desires truth in the inward parts – let us seek them out
and with joy walk in His Truth. The foundation has been laid and we must be
set-apart – which ‘sarah’ are you?
Aleph/1 Corinthians 3:11-17 “For no one is able to lay
any other foundation except that which is laid, which is יהושע Messiah. 12 And
if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood,
hay, straw, 13 each one’s work shall be
revealed, for the day shall show it up, because it is revealed by fire. And the
fire shall prove the work of each one, what sort it is. 14 If anyone’s work remains, which he has
built on, he shall receive a reward. 15 If
anyone’s work is burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved,
but so as through fire. 16 Do
you not know that you are a Dwelling Place of Elohim and that the Spirit of
Elohim dwells in you? 17 If
anyone destroys the Dwelling Place of Elohim, Elohim shall destroy him. For the
Dwelling Place of Elohim is set-apart, which you are.”